Thema: Secondary School

First chess tournament in BCS

On Wednesday, March 27, about 30 students and teachers from secondary and primary school took part in a joint chess tournament. The tournament was held for the first time at the Berlin Cosmopolitan School. The main prize went to student Finn. Further prizes were given to representatives of classes 1-4 ...

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Visit to House of One

General | Secondary School
2nd April, 2019

On Friday, March 29, students from 8th grade visited the House of One foundation for a workshop about religion and identity as part of their ethics unit on the world religions. The building House of One, when completed in 2020, will house a synagogue, a church and a mosque as ...

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IBDP Visual Arts Exhibition

General | Secondary School
12th March, 2019

Please join us for the IBDP Visual Arts 2019 Exhibition tomorrow 13th March in the Secondary Art space from 4 pm! Our G12 DP students, Abdoulaye and Artur are showcasing their final outcomes and have worked extremely hard to produce two very beautiful exhibitions.

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