Thema: Secondary School

The Tolerance Project 

General | Secondary School
4th April, 2017

We finally made it. After a few months of preparation the "Tolerance" installation in the new Secondary Cafeteria was unveiled with a proper celebration. Music of the talented girls from the BCS band Sep10ber made this event an even greater happening! We also had the pleasure to welcome Frau Dr. Obermeier, the Schulstadträtin ...

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BCS Basketball Boys Tournament

Last Friday, March 17, our Basketball team (born 2002 - 2005) has qualified for the final tournament of the ALBA Oberschulliga losing versus the Heinrich-Schliemann-Gymnasium boys (mainly very talented ALBA players) and two great wins versus the boys from Schulfarm Insel Scharfenberg and Emmy-Noether-Schule. Congratulations boys! Keep going!

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