Thema: Secondary School

Second BCS Talk- 06.12.17

General | Secondary School
8th December, 2017

As part of their ethics units dealing with democracy, patriotism and nationalism, the 10th grade organised a podium discussion around the question: "How should right-wing extremism be dealt with in a democracy?" The students invited a range of politicians, experts and activists; prepared questions; dealt with the event's logistics and ...

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Margot Friedlander visits BCS

General | Secondary School
5th December, 2017

Yesterday Berlin Cosmopolitan School was honoured to welcome the award winning German author and Holocaust survivor Margot Friedlander. Ms. Friedlander read to the 10th, 11th and 12th grade students from her book 'Try to make your life' (Versuche, dein Leben zu machen: als Jüdin versteckt in Berlin, publisher rowohlt) and ...

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Our Christmassy Campus

General | Primary School | Secondary School
1st December, 2017

We are ready for the festive time of the year. A big THANK YOU to Manuel Mühlner and his assistant, Janina Tukiendorf for once again putting in so much time, effort, and love into the Christmas decorations of our school building. It looks stunning! [gallery ids="10307,10308,10306"]

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French-German Exchange at BCS

General | Secondary School
28th November, 2017

A special guest has been at the Berlin Cosmopolitan School since the beginning of October. Julie, a French student from Lyon, is staying in Berlin with Karolin’s family until middle December. The two girls met through the French-German Youth Office (OFAJ-DFJW) a few months ago. Julie decided to come to ...

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Mathematics Olympiad

General | Secondary School
22nd November, 2017

We are pleased to announce and congratulate the following six students who have qualified for the Mathematics Olympiad Landesrunde on the 23-25 February 2018. Grade 6: Alina (2nd place), Aino (3rd place) Grade 8: Jonas (5th place) Grade 9: Finn (1st place), Bianca (2nd place) Grade 10: David (2nd place) ...

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Monsieur Vuong in BCS

General | Secondary School
20th November, 2017

Last Friday students from Secondary School had the opportunity to meet Monsieur Vuong and his business partner, Mr Bodenstein in context of the "Gründerwoche" (Startup Week) in Berlin Cosmopolitan School. The restaurant owner and his partner talked about the history of the restaurant start-up and Mr Vuong's motivations for becoming ...

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