Thema: Secondary School

Enno awarded 1st place in Jugend forscht

General | Secondary School
2nd March, 2018

Two of our students, David G. (10b) and Enno H. (10b) successfully represented our school in a highly acknowledged science competition Jugend forscht Regionalwettbewerb Berlin-Mitte. The event took place at Technical University of Berlin earlier this week and it spanned two days, February 27 and 28, 2018. Both of them ...

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David and Enno at Jugend forscht

General | Secondary School
26th February, 2018

Two of our Secondary students, David and Enno from 10b were qualified and will represent our school on Tuesday and Wednesday in the science competition Jugend forscht Regionalwettbewerb Berlin-Mitte 2018. The competition will take place at the Technical University of Berlin on February 27 and 28. We wish David and ...

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Safer Internet Day – Everything under control?!

General | Secondary School
6th February, 2018

Today our school transformed into a big media event location celebrating Safer Internet Day, hosted by EU initiative klicksafe! Journalists and photographers came to film VIP‘s discussing their good and bad experiences with social media, apps and online-games. Our secondary students got the chance to talk to Tom Beck (actor), ...

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Portrait Project in Art

Arts & Crafts | General | Secondary School
16th January, 2018

Grade seven have just finished their Portrait Project in Art, in which they studied portraiture throughout art history and various skills and techniques, including the proportions of the face. These great images show some examples of their last pieces of the project: contemporary-style self-portrait tonal studies. [gallery ids="10405,10404,10402"]

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Science Days 2018

General | Secondary School
12th January, 2018

The Science Days (this year January 10-12) are an annual event for grade 9 students to spend three full days preparing, designing, carry out and reporting on a scientific experiment. The students work in groups to develop their scientific skills and to nurture their inquisitiveness. The aim is to give ...

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Secondary field trip to DHM

General | Secondary School
12th December, 2017

Over the last couple weeks, the 10th grade and the Abitur students have visited the temporary exhibit: "1917. Revolution. Russia and Europe" in the German History Museum (DHM). Students were led on guided tours through the causes and course of the revolution, as well being provided a glimpse into its ...

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