Thema: Secondary School

StadtLesen at Bebelplatz

General | Secondary School
26th April, 2018

Grade 7 went to StadtLesen at Bebelplatz today. They had fun choosing from over 3000 new books and reading outside in comfortable beanbags and hammocks. By bringing reading and pleasure together an easy and effortless way was found to encourage people to sit down and browse through books, without obligation, ...

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Visitors from Madagascar

General | Secondary School
23rd April, 2018

The students learning French at Berlin Cosmopolitan School had the chance to host guests from the Embassy of Madagascar. It was organised to celebrate the Francophonie and learn more about the status of the French language in the world. After listening to a presentation in French about the different aspects ...

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3rd Place among all grade 7s in Germany

General | Secondary School
19th April, 2018

Grade 7b has worked very hard and their work has paid off: They won a prize for writing creative and unique letters about social media! They won letter sets and a huge book voucher worth over 200€! Congratulations, Grade 7b & German teacher, Ms Müncheberg! Have a look: Deutsche Post ...

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IB Visual Arts Exhibition 2018

General | Secondary School
21st March, 2018

Our Grade 12 IBDP students are currently preparing their IB Visual Arts graduating exhibition, which is 40 % of their final exam. They are carefully considering how they select, curate and design their individual shows to display their theme and strongest art pieces that are the culmination of two years ...

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KIKA live visits Antonia in BCS

General | Secondary School
20th March, 2018

In February, KIKA live came to our school to interview Antonia, winner of DEIN SONG contest 2017. After the interview Antonia showed the filming team and KIKA’s famous host BEN where students can practice music and dance in our school. KIKA live with Antonia

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IB Revision Course in BCS

General | Secondary School
13th March, 2018

From tomorrow, March 14th until Monday, March 18th the IB Revision Course will take place in our school. This is the second year running the courses with Studynova here at BCS. We are happy to also welcome students from other schools into our building! During those four days students can ...

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General | Secondary School
13th March, 2018

Over the weekend, students from Berlin Cosmopolitan School (BCS) participated in BERMUN 2, the annual Model United Nations (MUN) Conference here in Berlin at the Konrad Adenauer Stiftung. Our students debated various topics relating to this year's conference theme, "Technological Innovations -- Mitigating Risks and Seizing Opportunities." Students in the ...

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