Thema: Primary School

Free Music Workshops

Music Workshops for free – this generous offer comes from the "Internationale Stiftung zur Förderung von Kultur und Zivilisation"  (Munich). With it the Berlin Cosmopolitan School has the opportunity to hold three consecutive music workshops introducing a widespread range of classical music and instruments to children. Yesterday, the first workshop ...

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The Big PYP Exhibition

General | Primary School
20th May, 2016

Our grade 5 held their PYP Exhibition on 18th of May at Berlin Cosmopolitan School. The students chose their own central idea and lines of inquiry to explore during their six week project. They then worked together to create excellent displays to showcase their learning. A wide variety of topics ...

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International Football Tournament

A fantastic international half-field football tournament took place on Saturday, April 9th, with students from Berlin Metropolitan School, Prague British School and Berlin Cosmopolitan School. Although our sporty students were the youngest team, they put up a good fight. All matches were fair and highly exciting. Congratulations to the winners ...

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