Thema: Primary School

End of Year Assembly: July 8, 2011

General | Primary School | Secondary School
9th August, 2011

During our last assembly of the school year, achievements awards will be announced, a salsa performance by secondary school students will be presented and the school principals will say goodbye to all students and staff members for the summer We wish all families and staff happy holidays and are looking forward to seeing you all again in September.

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Recap: Relay Race

15 of our international colleagues and interns joined in three teams the "Berliner Wasserbetriebe Team-Staffellauf 2011" (Relay Race). Each team ran 25km, 5km per person. A total of 4717 teams with 23.585 runners participated - 4202 teams  - including all three Berlin Cosmopolitan School teams - actually finished the race within the time limit. Way to ...

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Camp School Week, June 27 – July 1, 2011

Education in our Camp School refers to organized learning that takes place outside of our international school building in Berlin-Mitte. Our programmes involve outside community-focused experiences in which students participate in a variety of adventurous challenges in the form of outdoor activities such as hiking, horseback riding, climbing, canoeing and ...

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