Thema: Primary School

International Choral Festival: March 21-23, 2012

General | Primary School
13th March, 2012

The BCS "Cosmopolitan Choristers" have been invited to take part in a 3-day international choral festival from March 21-23 called, "Berlin Sings!", where they will be working together with other primary school choirs from several European countries. They will not only be learning new repertoire, taking part in music workshops ...

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Recap: Readathon, huge success

General | Primary School
13th March, 2012

We had a great time reading and were able to raise lots of money for new books too. And now, here are the results! BCS students read a total of 16,644.5 minutes and raised 1,896.69 EUR. The class who read the most minutes is 4B, with 4158 minutes. The class ...

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The Nutcracker in Words and Dance: Dec 7 & 8, 2011

General | Primary School
1st December, 2011

"Es war an einem Winterabend, an einem ganz besonderen Winterabend, dem Weihnachtsabend! Und es war die Stunde, in der überall im ganzen Land die Weihnachtsbäume geschmückt wurden. So war es auch bei der Familie Stahlbaum?" Thus begins the story of, "Nussknacker und Mäusekönig" by the German author E.T.A. Hoffmann (1776-1822+, ...

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Vacation Programme Hiking Trip: Oct 24-28, 2011

General | Primary School
8th November, 2011

Did you ever climb through an eye of a needle eye or up the stairway to heaven? This year during our fall vacation programme, we are offering a special trip for grades  3-5. A hiking trip in the Sächsische Schweiz - steep fissured sandstone rocks, canyon-like ravines as well as cave and rock needles probably make ...

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