Thema: Primary School

Vacation Programme: Aug 6-29, 2012

General | Primary School
24th August, 2012

Colorful, exciting, funny and amazing, that is how one could describe the fantastic Vacation Programme BCS Primary School is always having during vacation. For any questions please do not hesitate to always contact Stefanie Kahle, our Head of Extracurricular Activities. Example of Vacation Programme [gallery ids="361,362,363"]

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Recab: Open Arts and Crafts Afternoon

General | Primary School
4th June, 2012

This week we had our first Open Arts and Crafts Afternoon. Parents were invited to come and do crafts with their children as well as enjoy some coffee and treats. It was a great opportunity to get to know one another better and spend some fun time with the children. We look ...

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Recap: Last week’s Sleepover

General | Primary School
21st May, 2012

Thanks to all the Afternoon teachers and staff for putting on another great BCS sleepover. A school wide sleepover is quite the event and takes a lot of effort and dedication to pull it off and have fun while doing it. Even though we were a little tired the next ...

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Recap: CHBC Boys Basketball Team 1st Team Trophy

General | Primary School
26th March, 2012

On Saturday, March 24th, our 4th and 5th grade boys Central Hoops Berlin Cosmopolitan (CHBC) Basketball Team won! They won two games against Berlin-Brandenburg International School and Berlin International School. The winning Trophy Plaque will be displayed in our school. The winning players are: Berkay, Joshua, Wim Lukas, Emil, Jan, ...

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