Team Building Day

20th September, 2016

Last Friday, September 16, for all Secondary students of Berlin Cosmopolitan School the annual Team Building Day took place again. Mr Purdham, class teacher of Grade 7a reported about their team building event:

“The team-building started days before the trip. Students were asked to take their suggestions to their class representatives and then everyone voted for their preferred activity. In the end it was decided by a clear majority to go to the cinema.

We all walked from the school to the ‘Kino am Friedrichshain’ to watch the film ‘The Secret Life of Pets’. Everyone was pleased to have the whole cinema to themselves (…). After watching we went to the Volkspark and ate lunch next to a big pond with a fountain before climbing to the top of the ‘fort’ to play group games. On the walk back we bought ice-cream (…). Everyone learned more about each other and arrived back tired but happy.”



Thank you Mr Purdham and also thanks to Ms Kirketerp for taking pictures!