“Jugend Tanzt” Competition

19th January, 2017

Seven grade 9 girls participated in the “Jugend Tanzt” – competition on Saturday, January 14th at Werkstatt der Kulturen der Welt. The families and friends of Leonie, Li, Anni, Sarah, Josephine, Naya and Viktoria came to watch and support. They started in the category I, Aktuelle Tanzformen (current dance forms), with a Street Dance routine choreographed by our sport teacher and dance coach Naira Schwemmler.

Although they did not score high enough to go to the Bundesentscheid, they did a respectable job which made their dance coach swell with pride. “Their hard work really payed off and the experience of a dance competition motivated the girls to dive right back into practice and left them yearn for more opportunities to present their skills”, so Ms Schwemmler. Well done, girls and thank you Ms. Schwemmler!