IB CAS students helping out at homeless shelter

28th January, 2016

Last Friday, our CAS students and the BCFS catering staff supported the team of the Berliner Stadtmission‘s homeless shelter for the night. As the year before, the BCFS catering staff had cooked a tasty stew for the visitors of the homeless shelter.

Arriving at the shelter, the team of students and catering staff were given a tour around the facilities. The group then was given the first instructions on how to organize the catering for the visitors. The mixed BCS group was divided into little groups: one served food, the second helped washing the dishes and the third supported handing out clothes to the homeless.

The atmosphere was very welcoming and everybody seemed to have had a great time.
After talking more to visitors and listening to their challenging stories, students and catering staff had a lot to reflect on. Everybody gained new experiences and wants to support the team at the Berliner Stadtmission’s homeless shelter again.