BCS Digital Learning – Wonderful Feedback from Parents

30th March, 2020

“…We just wanted to thank the school for all they have been doing during these surprising and ‘unplanned for’ times. It can’t be easy for you all. What we forget as parents is that, like us, you teachers have lives, loved ones to

take care of and worry about, routines and responsibilities which need thinking – and rethinking. We just wanted to wish you, the school, all the teachers our very best and to say a very big thank you for all the work behind the scenes…”

“…Thank you, once again for doing a fantastic job on remote teaching for two weeks already. We are very happy to know our daughter in best hands during this weird time. The sun comes up when her teacher appears at our breakfast table via Zoom…”

„…Wir möchten Euch an dieser Stelle unseren Dank aussprechen für Eure außerordentlich gute Organisation und den Überblick in dieser für uns alle vollkommen überraschenden Krise. Wir sind auf dem Land, unsere Tochter sitzt jeden Morgen pünktlich um 9:00 an unserem Küchentisch vor Ihrem iPad und verfolgt den Unterricht bis in den Nachmittag hinein, unterbrochen nur von der Mittagspause. Uns hat beeindruckt, wie schnell die BCS und alle Lehrer in der Lage waren, die Art des Unterrichtens komplett umzustellen und mit wieviel positiver Energie sie dies auf die Schüler übertragen. Die äußeren Umstände wären an sich gut geeignet, bei den Kindern Langeweile bis hin zu einer gewissen Lähmung auszulösen, bei Annea ist eher das Gegenteil der Fall. Dafür sind wir Euch und den Lehrern der BCS dankbar und wir würden uns freuen, wenn Ihr diesen Dank gelegentlich weitergeben könntet…“

“…We think it’s great how the whole staff of BCS deals with the unusual circumstances. Of course, the home-teaching is a challenge for all of us and I would like to ask you if you have any information about whether families/children still need a PC so that they are well equipped. We could provide four computers during the time the home-teaching lasts…”

“…I would like to express my gratitude and congratulate you for the results achieved in such a short reaction time. This is the consequence of really good team work. I would like to extend it to the whole staff, teachers, administrative support…. Everybody!…”

“…I want to thank you for the incredible support you are giving us in these hard times. My job would be impossible right now without you teaching our kids online…”

“…We would like to express our gratitude for the efforts BCS is undertaking during the COVID crisis…”

“…Your information campaign is exemplary and the way you ensure continued education with your staff is commendable. We have contacts in other nations and have a good overview of how different schools are tackling this. Hats off to you and your team and the high standard of quality that you deliver…”

“…I just would like to sincerely express my gratitude to you for having my daughter as a member of BCS in a normal school life, as in such an unprecedented challenging situation that we are facing. I’m grateful to know that my daughter could still come to school before it is closed to be prepared for the change in learning method and that she is still following a strict daily schedule of learning, still being able to interact with teachers and friends…”

“…Thank you so much for all the updates of the situation and your professional organization of the system to ensure continued learning environment for the pupils. We all wish that the situation will settle down soon and life can come back to normal…”