Sleepover party Nature Campus Müggelsee

2nd May, 2023

Last weekend, we hosted a fabulous sleepover party at Müggelsee with 60 children aged 4-12, and we would like to take this opportunity to share our experiences with you.

The sleepover party started with a tourist city tour of Berlin, where the children could experience the city from a different perspective. Once we arrived at the venue, we prepared pizza together and arranged the sleeping arrangements.

We went for a night hike, and the younger kids got ready for bedtime stories that helped the kids to relax before going to sleep peacefully. The older children played board games late into the night.

In the morning, we pressed our own apple juice and made cereal and pretzels for breakfast to teach the children how to make healthy foods from natural ingredients. 

Our effort was to offer a wide range of activities to build resilience, such as singing songs, making music, and dancing. We encourage the children to engage in new experiences and express themselves. 

Also, the children planted herbs and painted rocks to encourage their creativity and show them how to make things themselves.

A sleepover party with many elements in nature allows the children to break out of their usual city-based environments and gather new experiences. By allowing children to step out of their comfort zone, we foster resilience and help them face new challenges. We designed activities that teach children to make their own choices and discover their skills and talents.

We believe a sleepover party in nature is a great way to provide children with memorable experiences and build resilience.

For more information, please get in touch with us: