Bambini-Lauf & miniMarathon

28th September, 2017

For the first time our BCS students took part in the Bambini-Lauf and miniMarathon Berlin. It turned into a fantastic experience for more than 30 students. Our ‘Bambinis’ ran 400 m and 800 m together with over 1300 other children in a competition where everyone finishing the run was a winner at the end. Our girls and boys performed brilliantly.

More than 10.000 students took part in the miniMarathon which is a 4.2195 km run. Our students reached the finish line exhausted but with stunning results. A great experience, our students will not forget so easily.

“Without the support of so many parents this day would not nearly have been so easy going and successful which I am really thankful for”, said Mr Heitmann, BCS Sportsteacher afterwards.