Eine Welt, viele Stimmen

16. November 2015

Berlin Cosmopolitan School und der Open Community Club (OCC) präsentieren:

– an evening of songs and tunes from many places –
Wednesday | November 16 | 7 pm
Grüner Salon, Rosa-Luxemburg-Platz 2

Musicians from Syria, bands and Singer/Songwriters from Berlin, Europe and beyond and student bands from the Berlin Cosmopolitan School: “One World, many Voices”.

Some of these performers have been born in Berlin, others came here because they had the choice to do so and some could not stay in the country they grew up in. This is a night of celebration and music and not of speeches and sorrow. In solidarity, without borders and in honor of a diversity that makes this place we live in so special.

All profits from donations and food will go directly to the “BCS Refugee Support Project”.