3rd BCS Geography Bee

22nd May, 2018

Having prepared for the last couple of weeks, each social studies class selected two representatives – based on their knowledge of political geography – to compete in the school-wide Geography Bee (grades 6-10). For the main event in the assembly hall on May 18th, with their classmates cheering and playing along from the audience, students were tested on their knowledge of:

• major German cities and federal states
• European countries and their capitals
• African countries and their capitals.

Although all twenty of the original contestants deserve congratulations for making it this far, only the final three were able to go home with a geography-themed prize. The winners were:

1. Oscar (7b)
2. Marcel (8b)
3. Hyun (9b)

In addition, Quinn (7a and 4th place) will be joining the three winners to compete as the BCS team in the 1st Berlin and Beyond competition on Wednesday the 30th of May against three other visiting schools. A big thank you to Mr Williams and Mr Miwa for organising the event again. Congratulations to the winners and all 20 contestants! For students who wish to prepare for the 4th annual BCS Geography Bee in May 2019, the quiz will include North, Central and South American countries and capitals in addition to Germany and Europe.