Empowering Lifelong Learners for a Compassionate and Connected World.



  • 11 February 2025

    Berufsorientierung: "Studium in Deutschland" Infoabend

    18:00 City Campus
  • 12 February 2025

    Open Classroom / Tag der offenen Tür (grades 2-11 only)

    08:30 City Campus
  • 12 February 2025

    Lunch-Time Concert

    13:30 Cafeteria City Campus
  • 13 February 2025

    One World, Many Voices: A tribute to Tom Fanore

    17:00 Aula/ City Campus
  • 14 February 2025

    Report Card Day - Primary & Secondary early dismissal at 3.15 pm

    08:00 City Campus

About us

Empathy, Equity, Excellence in Education

The Berlin Cosmopolitan School strives for innovation and challenges the traditional education system. In doing so, our mission statement always applies: empathy, justice and excellence in education.

8 May 2025 is a special public holiday in Berlin

By declaring ‘Liberation Day’ a public holiday this year, the city of Berlin is sending out a special signal to honour the significance of this historic event and create space for reflection and remembrance.

The Berlin Cosmopolitan School will also remain closed on this day, as there will be no classes or school events.

Zum Blog-Artikel

Open Classroom on February 12th, 2025

After registration, we cordially invite all interested parties for 2nd to 11th grade to visit us on campus at 8:30 am.

After a brief introduction to our school, you will have the opportunity to explore the classrooms of both the elementary and secondary school. Of course, we will be happy to answer any questions you may have at the end.

register now

Our school concept

Individual support and first-class bilingual education for a successful future

As a recognized “IB World School”, the Berlin Cosmopolitan School offers a first-class bilingual education. We support each child individually according to their strengths and prepare them for a successful life – be it at German or international universities or in a wide range of apprenticeships.

Our philosophy

Are you interested in BCS?

For families who are interested in sending their children to Berlin Cosmopolitan School, we have compiled all the important information from the admission process to school fees and uniforms.To the registration

Bilingual Abitur and the Middle School Certificate (Mittlerer Schulabschluss)

The Bilingual Abitur is a German qualification that enables students to study at both German and foreign universities.

The final examinations of the German Abitur at the end of grade 12 consist of three written and one oral examination as well as the fifth examination component. The fifth examination component is a “special learning achievement” in the form of a presentation on a specialist topic.

Students in the 10th grade complete the “Mittlerer Schulabschluss” (MSA) of the state of Berlin. Students who have spent less than two school years at a German school can, on application, replace the German examination with an English Science examination. Further examinations are an oral examination in English and a presentation examination. In the presentation exam, students give a presentation on a topic of their choice.

According to Berlin regulations, successful completion of the MSA examinations is a prerequisite for students to be able to enter the upper school.

Environmental School in Europe/International Sustainability School 2022

Berlin Cosmopolitan School, Kindergarten & Preschool bear the title “Environmental School in Europe/International Sustainability School 2022”.

Environmental school in Europe, international sustainability school